Tuesday, June 16, 2009


Guess what happened to me this week? I was all excited about the fact that my IVF was not going to interfere with my work in any way. I work Mondays and Fridays and because of my specialist appointments and then a tough pregnancy (I had morning sickness the whole way through and not just mildly. My record for throwing up was 17 times in one day. Then towards the end of the pregnancy I was put in hospital for high blood pressure) I have had my fair share of time off in the last couple of years so I avoid sick days now when I can. The last week I have had a little bit of pain in what I thought was one of my teeth. But it was only slight pain and it came and went every now and then. Sometimes you get a bit of soreness in your teeth and it goes away after a few days so I assumed this would be no different. Anyway on Sunday it was actually getting quite sore but still not terrible so I thought I will see what happens. Monday morning I wake up for work and I kid you not one side of my mouth had just swelled up and was extremely sore and one particular tooth (the same one that had been bothering me) was just excruciating. So I ring up work and call in sick and get myself to the dentist.

I was terrified to go because not to brag but I actually have really fantastic teeth. I think it's genetic because I honestly have not paid special attention to them other than obviously I do brush them! But I don't floss, I don't go to the dentist regularly and yet the are straight, very white and I have never even had a hole in one of them or anything. I am touching wood as I say this! Consequently I have never had to have any dental work done and have no idea what to expect in that regard so I was shaking in my boots at the thought of going to the dentist. I had thoughts of drills and pliers as I was driving there and when I walked in the dentist introduced himself (I hadn't been to a dentist in longer than I can remember so I had to find one in the phone book) and looks at me and asks me am I all right? I said to him that I was just really really scared and he laughed.

The dentist had a look in my mouth and said "oooh I can see why you are in pain, it's very swollen and there is a particular area where your gum is swollen like a big round ball." It turned out that it wasn't my tooth after all, it was my gums. Apparently I have a wisdom tooth that is sitting under the gum at the back that never came up because it hasn't got the room. The edge of it overlaps so it sits a little bit underneath my back tooth. The dentist said the wisdom tooth has shifted a bit under the gum, split the gum and caused a big infection. Where as I thought the problem was the back tooth it was actually the gum under the back tooth and next to it that was hurting. So I got out of the visit with a teeth cleaning and a course of antibiotics.

I get home and suddenly it occurs to me that I am on IVF medication and am about to do an embryo transfer in two days. I was so caught up in fear about the dentist that I didn't even think about it. So I ring my nurse thinking "oh my God!" because obviously I can't not take the antibiotics with my mouth in the state that it was in, so if it was a problem then I knew we would have to cancel the embryo transfer. As it turned out, the antibiotics are not an issue at all. They are perfectly safe for both IVF and pregnancy. So we are all systems go still, but boy it gave me a scare!

My mouth is looking and feeling much better today and the dentist says that I shouldn't need to get the naughty wisdom tooth extracted unless the problem happens again. Here's hoping it behaves itself and stays in the one spot from now on. I am still a bit sore and having to chew food on the "good side" of my mouth but much better than yesterday.

Moving on from dental issues......

Nickie's "rolling over update" is that he can now roll over from tummy to back and is quite pleased with himself! Back to tummy he is trying really hard and is making progress but is not quite there yet.

Rhea (who is 15 weeks pregnant on Friday - YIPPEE!!) is babysitting Nickie for the first time ever on her own on Thursday because obviously Mummy and Daddy are off to the doctors to try to make a baby! She is very excited but also very nervous. I'm sure she will do a great job. Nickie and her absolutely love each other so I think they will both end up having a wonderful time.

Next - don't think I am a loser - I am so excited because my Mum bought me a slow cooker yesterday. A friend of mine at work has one and often talks about how handy they are for the days when you have to go to work because you can just put the food in it, turn it on and it's ready when you get home. They are quite popular over here in AUS at the moment, you know how different cooking appliances go through stage of popularity? First it was the George Foreman griller, then it was something else, well now it's the slow cooker. Mum and I were chatting the other day and I mentioned to her that I was wanting to get one and she showed up at my house yesterday with one in her arms! She is always doing neat things like that for me, she's awesome! I spent my trip to the supermarket last night buying new foods to cook in my slow cooker. I'm so excited to see what culinary delights I can whip up! You guys might see me on Master Chef next week! haha

Lastly is un update about my sister. She really is so mixed up. I must do a post about her at some stage to explain what went on between us as I know I have been very cryptic so far but the story is so so long and sad. Anyway she is living in a housing commision house quite a long way away at the moment. I don't know what the equivalent of "housing commision" is for those of you that live in the States etc is. Government housing? Welfare housing? Anyway the ink is barely dry on the divorce papers that her husband recently served on her and she calls my parents the other day to inform them that she engaged to a guy she met that lives a few houses away from her. How long has she known him? 4 weeks! I am trying not to think about it too much because I have better things to worry about. The whole reason for cutting her out of my life was the stress that her antics were putting on me and so I guess this just proves that point. But she already has two very mixed up kids from her marriage. I love them as my nephew and niece of course, but in reality they are undisciplined kids who run riot, do what they want and throw tantrums when they don't get what they want. They are living with their father presently and are very confused about their lives. I think their father must bad mouth my sister terribly. I don't blame him for feeling that way about her as I am not far off it myself, but you don't do it in front of the kids. My niece phoned me yesterday out of the blue (she is nine) and proceeds to tell me "guess what I live at my dad's now, because mum's a deadbeat loser. She's such a cow. The school she had me in over near her was lousy too....etc" those are an exact quote of her exact words. What nine year old kid knows those phrases?

So basically the reason I am worried is because I couldn't care less what she does with her own life. Get married to five different guys if you want to, I'm really not concerned. But she has two kids out there who she doesn't take care of and who are very mixed up because of all the antics and dramas that go on in the world that she has created for them. I just pray she doesn't bring anymore children into the mess with her new husband. That sounds awful I know, but babies are no different to pets for her. They are a novelty that she gets the idea she wants them one day and then when they start to become hard work, she is sorry she wanted them. It makes me wonder what God's plan is when people like her have kids they don't want, and here I am and I would desperately love more kids and it might not happen. I'm going to have to trust God knows best and accept that I will never understand the reasons behind His thinking.

Well I have got that off my chest, I better sign off now and start chilling out. Nickie is fast asleep and should be for another hour or so, so I think Mummy needs to relax, take a beat and have some coffee.

Lots of love to all.


twondra said...

I wish I had your teeth. :) My teeth are so sensitive that I've had so much work done. :( I'm glad it wasn't your tooth!

I hope things get better with your sister.


Dianne said...

Yay for antibiotics - I had the same thing happen to me and was freaking out that I might have to get expensive work done!!

Also my ER is set for Thursday or Friday - I hope yours goes great!!!!!