Sunday, August 23, 2009

Just bits and pieces...

UPDATE - Almost forgot to add I am so slack and should have done this ages ago but thanks to Tammy for my award. It's because she things I have a "lovely blog" which means a lot coming from someone with such a lovely blog herself (and lovely heart!). I would like to tag Sandra to pass on this award. Her blog is very witty and insightful and makes me laugh and smile. Enjoy!


I decided to get an early night tonight. Nickie was exhausted and went to bed about 6.30pm, I had a roast in the slow cooker so Brad and I had dinner shortly after. I got in the bath to have some relaxation time and afterwards I was feeling that warm fuzzy tired feeling so in to bed I climbed and fell into a delightful sleep just after 8pm. Brad was still up doing this and that - sending some emails, calling his parents who are in the middle of a trip around Australia etc.

Next thing I know I am getting woken up by Brad tapping me saying "Pax......Pax are you awake?" I felt like I had been asleep for hours but it had only been about 40min. I grumbled that yes I was awake and asked what was the matter. The problem turned out to be that Brad had finished all his errands and was bored because I was asleep. He wanted to know did I want to watch a movie! I said no thankyou and that I was too tired and tried to roll over and go back to sleep, but Brad kept trying to start a conversation with me. After awhile, when I was well and truly awake I joined the conversation and was in the middle of telling Brad a story about something that happened to me at work the other day when I look over and realise he has gone to sleep! Now I'm the one who is awake and can't sleep!!! GRRRR haha

Today I took my little man to get Pixi Fotos done. Don't know if those of you not in Australia will know what they are. Basically Pixi Fotos is a professional photography company that is quite popular for baby/kids/family photos. Just about every person here owns a Pixi Foto of themselves as a kid. It was very exciting to take Nickie to get his done. He was so good and well behaved. Didn't cry, didn't spew, smiled and laughed at all the right times. They were very taken with him at the studio and I was very proud. The photos of him turned out sooooo gorgeous. They took some classic poses and then they also took some candid ones that were simalar to the Anne Geddes style. For example they dressed him up in a chef's hat and sat him in a cooking pot and took photos and cute things like that. He was just adorable.

I could have purchased the whole lot but I had to be restrained and stick to our budget as the photos are pretty expensive. Brad was going to come but he woke up pretty sick this morning with what we thought was the start of a migraine and so Nickie and I went on our own. It would have been good to have him there to help me choose as there were so many wonderful shots. I spent a little bit more than what we had budgeted because I couldn't help myself! I justified it because we had not yet chosen Father's Day presents for my Dad and Brad's Dad so I thought a framed photo each of Nickie would be a great present with some nice chocolates or something. Both Grandpas love him to pieces and I know they would think it was a really special gift. So the extra money I spent was just money I would have spent on Father's Day gifts.

Speaking of Father's Day, Brad is so looking forward to his first one. Last year I was pregnant and I wrote him a card from the baby in my tummy. It is so hard to believe that our little man is now here and so grown up. I have had his present planned for months, I took a whole heap of photos of Nickie in the bath recently doing all different things and they turned out to be gorgeous photos and Brad was really taken with them. So I picked three of them and had them enlarged and then took them to the framers and got one big long framed print made of the three shots in a row. It kind of looks like an "action sequence". The frame I got was beautiful too it's that dark chocolate wood. I really hope he likes it. What makes things even nicer is my little boy can now say "DaDaDa.." and while we were in the framers choosing everything he was yelling it out at the top of his lungs. I will have to tell Brad when I give it to him, that Nickie came with me to choose it all and must have known we were getting a present for "DaDa".

Have a great week everyone!


Sandra Millsap said...

Thanks for the award! I've never had one of those before! How sweet of you to think of me.

Love this post - I am so "with ya" on the don't-wake-a-sleeping-woman thing. right! haha

twondra said...

Awwww, thanks for the sweet words of me! You're so sweet.

Can't believe Brad would wake you up because he's bored! I don't think Mark would have the guts to do that. :)