Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Didn't get much sleep last night

***Update*** Nothing to do with the original post but I just wanted to add how excited I am because I learnt something technological today! I used the help function to put music on my blog. I have seen other people have them on their blogs and have been very jealous lol. Now my blog is less crap haha. So excited. Yay to me! Now on to my original post....

Morning everyone. I am a bit bleary eyed as I write this. I'm having a bit of trouble sleeping at the moment just because of everything going on. Whenever I'm stressed or worried or upset the sleep is the first thing out the window. When I was going through my previous IVF cycle I spent many a sleepless night wandering the house and watching bad TV, and when I was pregnant I was well known for my 3am linen cupboard cleanouts. Old habits, huh?

I have a few things circling my head - first and foremost is of course the IVF cycle that we are in the midst of. I have been taking my Progynova three times a day (a HRT drug for those not familiar with the process) since June 1 and thankfully I haven't felt that much different than I normally do. I remember getting pretty hot and cold last time on it, but so far nothing. Tomorrow is my ultrasound to check my uterus lining to see how it's looking in preparation for the embryo. This is kind of laughable but I'm not really nervous exactly about the ultrasound itself, I'm more nervous about the fact that I will have to take Nickie along and I hope he is going to be a good boy while Mummy is laying down getting the ultrasound haha. I will let you know how that goes.

The second thing weighing on my heart is this dreadful April Rose blog scam that is going on at the moment. I don't know if any of you were followers of the website, but more and more details seem to be coming to light to suggest it was completely false. Of course no one has any proof one way or the other but the whole story is sad whichever way you want to look at it. It really didn't help to put me in a sleeping mood when I was thinking about it last night.

Nickie got up at 7am this morning which is normal time for him, and I am currently working on a sleep settling routine with him that my maternal health nurse reccommended to me. Basically the gist of it is that instead of rocking or nursing them to sleep you put them to bed awake and they settle themselves off to sleep. It has been working really well so far. He usually gets up and has a bottle then after about 1.5-2 hours I see him get a little sleepy looking so I pick him up and put him in his cot and 8 times out of 10 he will have a little sleepy chat to himself for 10min before he drifts off. This morning though, the one time Mummy is exhausted and wants to sneak back to bed for a morning nap of her own was the one morning he refused to let sleep take over. Infants are so funny when they fight off sleep. Nickie particularly will start to feel the sleep wash over him and start to try to shake it off. It's really hilarious to watch actually, but frustrating sometimes. He had a morning play on a rug on the floor with his toy giraffe that he loves and I pottered around and did a few things. Next thing I look over and he has gone to sleep so I picked him up and put him in his cot. His reaction to this was to scream. I go back in and pick him up and he is quiet again and the eyes start to get droopy so back in the cot he goes. He screams again. This went on for awhile until I thought "well these tears are not very genuine, next time I will wait 5 or 10 min before I go in." so when he started crying again that's what I did. His crying started to get louder and louder and then he legitimately started to sound upset rather than just protesting so in I rush. I open the door and the crying stops instantly and he sees me and he grins the hugest smile and squeals in delight at the top of his lungs. I scoop him up whilst trying to keep on my serious face and he starts laughing. There weren't even any tears in his eyes. That boy is one smart cookie.

Have a great day everyone!

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