The title of this post refers to our IVF preparations. On Tuesday we saw our IVF specialist and he has agreed with us that using our final frozen embryo would be the best thing to do at this time. I haven't really said this yet but since Nickie was born I have been experiencing really heavy bleeding which is bad enough to warrant hospitalisation. It is caused by hormonal imbalances which are caused by the PCOS. Basically it can't go on as I am getting very ill from it as the blood loss is causing severe anaemia. I have to go onto a long term medication to treat the problem because the conventional treatment for heavy bleeding (the Pill) doesn't agree with me. I have tried it many times before and always have ended up with more problems than what I started with. The specialist is reccommending that we use the embryo before proceeding with the treatment as this will prevent time from running out on the embryo while I am on the medication.
Brad and I are excited but nervous because with excitement at a new possibility often of course comes nerves that it will fail. But we are trying to remain positive and hopeful and keep a "we have done it once and we can do it again" type of mind frame. I have spent the last 48 hours filling out paperwork and dropping it into the IVF centre and now we are all set. We just have to wait now for my period (sorry for TMI) so we can start. A lot of IVF is a waiting game unfortuneately. A lot of trying to have a baby when you are infertile is a waiting game actually. First you wait to get pregnant naturally and when it doesn't happen you wait to get into a specialist to find out why, and then the waiting just continues on from there haha.
I'm trying not to think about it too much and Brad and I have agreed we are not going to tell anyone we are undertaking IVF again. We want no pressure on us and no one judging us for doing it again so soon when they don't know the reasons behind it. So what better way to keep it quiet than to post it on the web haha! Ah well no one reads this thing anyway :)
All the best to everyone and I'll keep posting to let everyone know how it's going.